Felix Road complete!
Slad Road - Two eco-homes on a hill
Withleigh Road
Help Keep Bridge Farm Community Owned!
Hazel Tree House is featured on Ben Adam-Smith's House Planning Help podcast
Josh featured on Ben Adam-Smith's House Planning Help podcast
Best Eco Home - GreenTrace are 2023 Build It Awards Winners!
Josh is now a Certified Passive House Designer!
Bridge Farm Co-Housing Street: GreenTrace win the design competition!
Bridge Farm Co-housing Street: Planning submitted following an organic community design proccess
Fawley Passive House: Passive House Certification Received!
Emma & Rupert's Eco-Home: an oasis in the city
3D CAD Model Example Video
Our Self Build Eco-Home is featured on The Green Register
Our Self Build Eco-Home: Technical Design, Budgeting, Banks & Warranties
Fawley Passive House: Natural building materials
Our Self Build Eco Home: buying a plot and obtaining planning
Fawley Passive House: Design process
Josh's Cabin on George Clarke's Amazing Spaces
Sun-stack Grow Homes - a blueprint for resilient & sustainable communities in 2030.
Mycelium construction materials
North Somerset Barn Conversion Complete!
Bristol Buddhist Centre Renovation
Fox Cottage - proposal to convert a basement garage to a new home